

Cooking Soup with My Husband Reminds Me of Mother Angelica

The writer recounts preparing chili and potato leek soup with her husband for guests on a cold day. Accidentally mixing the two caused her to reflect on a Mother Angelica story about mercy. The post ends with the recipe for Lenten Potato Leek Soup. The reflection captures the importance of mercy and imperfections.

I Am Experiencing Writer’s Block

Getting back into the groove. I am experiencing writer’s block after moving back to Michigan from the Pacific Northwest. I lament the changes but also count the blessings of being closer to family and caring for my mother. The transition has brought up questions about my sense of place and the challenge now is to…

Easter Duty

I have been thinking about the word duty lately. You may think of a soldier defending his country as duty. Upholding the law is a duty. Going to church on Sundays and Holy Days is a duty or obligation. In my eyes, God and country go together, as it should. Many young people have lost…


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Hi, I’m Mary. I want to share my insights and experiences with you on life, food, and travel. Sign up to get my latest blog posts.

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